
Digital Solutions EuropeUSE CASES Estonia ID Card  What is the solution?The chip on the card carries embedded files, and using 384-bit ECC public key encryption, it can be used as definitive proof of ID in an electronic environment. You need your ID Card , your PIN1...


Digital Solutions EuropeUSE CASES Denmark MitID  PassportFingerprint or face recognition USE CASES Financial service Online banking transfers Public services Registration for public and private self-service solutions Access to the tax folder Sending and receiving...


Digital Solutions EuropeUSE CASES Poland Public Electronic Identification System NOTIFIED eID CardTrusted profile USE CASES Financial service Access to public services with Bank IdentCertify acceptance of transactions Public services Sending and delivery of electronic...

eIDAS Timeline

10 Mai 2024 eIDAS Timeline Infographic Version1.0Author: Lange-Hausstein...
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