
The Digital Lab is the SFG’s strategic response to relevant legislative processes and corresponding co-creation projects with German and European policymakers – including on the topic of digital identities. The Digital Lab is part of the DSGV project Digitale Agenda 3.0.

Digital identities in transition: your door to the future

The savings banks are pioneers in offering their customers the best financial services in an increasingly digital world. A key element of this development is the introduction of the “digital identity”. This enables customers to log in to various online services securely and seamlessly, without the need for complex identification procedures such as PostIdent or entering usernames and passwords. Digital identity not only simplifies access to banking transactions, but also to other services such as healthcare and administrative procedures. It makes life more digital, simpler and more secure.


The key to secure and trustworthy online transactions in the EU

A uniform framework for electronic identification and trust services has been established since 2014. These standards enable companies, citizens and public institutions to carry out secure electronic identification and transactions across borders – from electronic signatures to time stamps.

Online ID function (eID)

Conveniently to the new
current account or reset the online access

In einer zunehmend digitalisierten Welt gewinnt die sichere Überprüfung von Identitäten im Online-Bereich an entscheidender Bedeutung. Die Online-Ausweisfunktion, auch bekannt als eID, bietet eine zuverlässige Methode zur digitalen Identitätsverifikation und bildet damit das Fundament für eine Vielzahl von Online-Transaktionen und Interaktionen.


Our publications deal with politically relevant topics on the subject of eID.



We show exciting insights into our work here:


Fachtagung „Zahlungsverkehr der Zukunft“

04.03. + 05.03.2025

authenticon 2025


Fachtagung Digitaler Vertrieb des OSV


Fachkongress D21-Digital Index

21.05. + 22.05.2025

Deutscher Sparkassentag 2025

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